Best Cardiologist in Vadodara

Second Opinion After

Best Cardiologist in Vadodara

At Aadicura Superspeciality Hospital, we are a team of heart specialists and we approach any heart problem together. The team consists of Dr Apurv Vaidya MCh (CVTS) – Cardiothoracic Surgeon along with Dr Nirav Pachani DM (cardiology) and Dr Arpan Desai DM (Cardiology) as cardiologists. Dr Nirav Panchani and Dr Arpan Desai are Vadodara’s best cardiologists in our opinion. As we have Vadodara’s best Cardiologists and Cardiothoracic Surgeon as our team member, we make a formidable Heart Team.

Any patient needing a second opinion about his or her heart disease is examined by our heart team, all available reports are thoroughly evaluated by cardiologists and cardiac surgeon and a consensus is created among us.

Our findings, our opinion and all available treatment options are explained to the patient in an unhurried manner. All the queries that patient or relatives may have are answered in detail and to their satisfaction.

Review (Second Opinion) after Coronary Angiography

• Bypass Operation (CABG) or
• Angioplasty (Stents)

When significant blockages are found on coronary angiography and Bypass Surgery or Angioplasty is advised, it raises more questions in minds of patients and relatives than it answers, starting with :

• Is the advice being given correct?
• What is the best option for a given patient?
• Is it bypass surgery (CABG) or angioplasty (stents) or only medicines or alternative
• How urgently should it be done?
• Can the treatment be delayed? Is it safe to do so?
• What are benefits and disadvantages of bypass surgery versus stents?
• What is the cost of the treatment?
• Is the patient fit enough for treatment?
• And many more such questions.

As a senior practitioner with 25 plus years of professional experience, Dr Apurv Vaidya along with his cardiology colleagues can help you make an informed, appropriate and patient specific treatment choice.

Method is simple – examining the patient, evaluating his/her symptoms, reviewing blood and other reports, studying angiography findings (from CD); followed by a frank, unhurried and unbiased discussion with the patient and the family. Second opinion reassures the patient and the family that the treatment option they have chosen is correct and appropriate and nothing important is being missed out.